Tour Romania – Dogarilor Tower

Tour Romania and then discover amazing places such as Bistrita Citadel, a Saxon city founded on the bank of Bistrita River in the 12th century. In the Middle Ages, Bistrita used to be an important handicraft center and a powerful Transylvanian citadel. In order to defend from foreign invaders, citizens built impressive walls for the citadel.

In 1465, the city had 18 towers and bastions defended by the craftsmen guilds. Only one tower still exists today, the Dogarilor Tower, which houses a unique puppets and masks exposition.

Tour Romania on our amazing itineraries and then discover all these amazing places! In addition, have fun at our amazing Halloween parties.

Evangelical Church

Another important monument of Bistrita is the Gothic style Evangelical Church with an imposing 75 m tower. The construction of the church began in 1470 and lasted almost 100 years (1564). Inside visitors can see the oldest equestrian sculpture in Transylvania.

Discover these amazing landmarks and many others while you tour Romania! Book your itinerary and then visit our country!

Dracula’s Castle Hotel in Borgo Pass

tour Romania Dracula's Castle Borgo Pass

57 km away from Bistrita, in Borgo Pass (1116 m) is located the famous Dracula Castle. It is here that Bram Stoker placed the bloody hero of his novel, the vampire Count Dracula.

Dracula’s Castle Hotel was built back when the Communists were running our country. The owner, Alexandru Misiuga, asked for permission to build a hotel between Transylvania and Moldavia and then he named it ‘Tihuta’. This name remained until the fall of Communism. After that, Misiuga renamed the hotel ‘Dracula’s Castle’, like he had intended from the beginning. As a fun fact, the reason Misiuga was not able to name the hotel properly is that Ceausescu’s enemies were comparing him with Dracula, which did not sit well with the dictator.

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